Home Getting Started

Getting Started

Tom Webberley
By Tom Webberley
13 articles

Getting Started Part 1 - Study Setup

Welcome to Trialflare! You're probably wondering how to get started - don't worry, we will help you get up and running in no time. Background Trialflare is multi-platform. Everyone can use it, from PIs and sponsors to healthcare professionals and participants. It doesn't matter what your research area is. You can use our data types and stages to create rich forms which both your participants and any administrators, study team members or healthcare professionals that have the right access permissions can fill in. Trialflare is deeply collaborative. You can invite team members to join your study and assign them unique roles. Perhaps read-write access for senior team members, or just read-only for administrators working on-the-ground. You can customize what you need for each study. Your forms can be one-off or longitudinal, singular or in a group of forms. For example, you might have one baseline form which collects some preliminary information just one time. Alternatively, you might have a weekly questionnaire for participants to fill in to track some potential changes over time with an intervention. We even have options for you to synchronise participant wearables to gather fitness and well-being data alongside these other submissions through our Garmin partnership. Trialflare brings every part of your digital workflow into one place for everyone, seamlessly. Getting started? It's is easy and involves 3 steps... Step 1 - Trial Information Your study needs a unique code to distinguish it from other studies on the platform. Whether you're having your participants enter data from off-site (e.g. on their smartphones or on a web browser on their phone or laptop), or if it's on a site visit where they are accompanied by a study team member, you will need a unique trial code. Call it whatever you'd like! For example, ouruniversitysleepstudy. 🧑🏻‍💻 Setting Trial Information Step 2 - Data Types Data types can take many shapes and sizes. Think of them as the format of data you want to collect. They can be any one of the following: - Text (short or long) - Dropdown/Choice (single or multi-select) - Integer - Decimal - Slider - Date - Date and Time - Temperature (with imperial/metric conversion) - Height (with imperial/metric conversion) - Weight (with imperial/metric conversion) - BMI (with imperial/metric conversion) - File (e.g. pdf, docx, pptx...) - Image (e.g. jpeg, gif, png...) - Video (e.g. mp4...) - Nutritional Input (Open Food Facts database - 3,000,000+ food and drinks items) - Cognitive tests (Stroop, PAL, RAVLT) On their own, they don't have a huge amount of context. For an integer, the only criteria this has is that it is, as the name suggests, an integer (1, 56, 23990 etc.). Without context, it doesn't mean anything, but when you create a data type, you can name it to indicate the purpose you intend this integer to fulfil in your forms. For example, "current_age". With the name "current_age" we now have an idea of what sort of range this might have, and, we can even set limits on this so that it is a bit more sensible for it's purpose. You can't (usually) have an age above 100, so setting a minimum and maximum here is helpful. This is what we call field validation and it prevents erroneous data submissions and loss of data or even entire participant records! In a study recruiting 18-45 year olds, we can set our limits of current_age to be a minimum of 18, and a maximum of 45. Values entered outside this range are not permitted. 🧑🏻‍💻 Creating a data type 💡 IMPORTANT: For every data value you need to store, you need a separate data type. For example, if you have 25 questions which all require Yes/No choice responses, you will need 25 separate Yes/No choice data types. These could be things like "is_current_smoker", "is_participant_pregnant", "is_participant_on_medication" and anything else. Data Types: Good Practice, Tips and Tricks! - Naming strategies like "1.1, 1.2 ..." are useful in keeping data types organized. You will usually create a lot of them. For example, "1.1_first_name", "1.2_last_name" can be useful for items you want to put into your first form. - Keep names short but detailed enough! - when you have lots of forms to create (some have 100 items!), you don't want to have to read them all in-depth to know what they are. A quick and snappy way of coding them so you instantly know what they are can save a lot of time. - Configure your data type wherever you can to minimize the risks of erroneous data submissions. These might include text character limits, numbers and even date ranges. If your study outcomes hang on some really critical data values, you don't want to risk that being incorrect! - Once you've created a data type, you can clone them if you need to. If you have a lot of similar data types, for example, lots of "Yes/No" responses, this is very useful in speeding things up. - You cam edit your data types. This can be a simple name change, or involve a change in something else like the limits, ranges or choice options. Once you've created enough data types to capture the values you need (whatever they are), you will need to combine these into a stage. Step 3 - Stages In Trialflare, the term 'stages' can be used interchangeably with 'forms' if it makes things easier for you. Stages hold a set of data types that you have pre-defined into a sensible group. For example, a baseline questionnaire might ask for some basic demographic information from a participant. Some of the data types you might have created could be: - date_of_birth (date) - first_name (short text) - smoker (choice: Yes, No) - overall_mood_today (slider: 1-10) - ... many more! The stage contains these data types in an order you decide is appropriate in your finished layout and, when you add them, you can give them much more context, like giving them a question title and some supporting information, instructions or images. In the case of the overall_mood slider (1-10), your title might be: - "In the last 7 days, how would you rate your overall mood?" In addition, you might want to provide some supporting text to explain the scale: - "1 = Worst mood, 10 = Best mood" When a data type has been assigned to a stage and has been given a question title, we call it a field. A field represents: - A question title (E.g. "What is your date of birth?") - A data type that relates to that question (E.g. data type: date, earliest date limit: less than 18 years ago to include adults only) - Required status (E.g. required or not before the form can be submitted) - Conditions (E.g. Only appears when you select "Other" from a set of choices. "You selected 'other', can you please provide some more information in the text box below?) 🧑🏻‍💻 Creating a stage 🧑🏻‍💻 Stage settings: advanced Trialflare has many options for optimising your stages for different purposes. By clicking on the Settings tab, you're able to see these in full. These include: - Making stages site-specific if you are delegating participants to different locations. You can learn more about sites here in Getting Started Part 10 - Changing when your stage is enabled, for example : - Not available to participants (at all) - Available to participants (on the smartphone app or web) - Make the stage available after an event, such as another stage or being completed - Change how often your stage takes place, for example: - Non-repeating (such as a one-off "Baseline" stage) - Repeat every pre-defined number of days for a set number of occurrences (such as a weekly questionnaire every week for 8 weeks) - Ad-hoc, for when you need none or a potentially limitless amount of entries (such as bowel movement questionnaires, or food diaries) You can also add post-submission text. This is particularly useful if you need participants to receive future instructions, or even a simple "Thank you for completing this stage!" text. You can even turn a stage into an anonymous poll or you aren't running a traditional study with different arms. 👉🏻 Learn how to make stages anonymous polls Stage: Good Practice, Tips and Tricks! - Consider Titles and Section Dividers! - If your forms are very long, add these items to break them up. With dividers, you can also provide images. For participants this can make a form more interesting and less tiresome. For forms completed on the web by study team members of healthcare professions, it also breaks up the form into manageable sizes. - Use required spareingly - users might skip data entry for various reasons. Every time they submit they will be prompted to fill in a required field, prolonging their time commitment. - Explore the Stage Settings! - Here, you can experiment with recurring stages, ad-hoc stages, automatic reminders to complete by push notification and lots more! That's it! With a few more data types, you will be able to make your first forms and begin gathering data. What's next? 👉🏻 How do I create and onboard participants?

Last updated on Aug 20, 2024

Getting Started Part 2 - Creating Participants

Background You will now have designed your first forms, congratulations! But what's next? We need to gather data, but we don't have any participants. As part of your human participant research you might want to assign participants to study arms, intervention groups and more. Let's get started. Regardless of how you're collecting your data, you need a unique participant for each person in your study. - Self-reporting: For participants to go away and submit data from their smartphone, laptop or tablet, and be able to do this securely with their combination of the trial code, participant ID and (if you set one) a password. - On-site or hybrid: If your data is being entered or handled by a study team member, including healthcare professionals who will enter data on the participant's behalf, you will still need to create a participant record. Create single participants You can onboard participants in a number of ways, the first of which is by adding them one by one. There are many reasons you might want to do this. For example, you might be onboarding as-and-when participants are recruited into a study or when they pass initial screening. In this instance, you can allocate them with a participant ID, and if needed, a participant password. Depending on your study design, participant risk, ethical requirements and more, you might want to be more stringent with your participant security by setting passwords. Trialflare can improve this with the following: - Very unique participant IDs - instead of just p1 you could create alphanumeric codes, such as 8L3HN3 or fuzzy-happy-llama. - Individual participant passwords - In addition to unique participant IDs, unique passwords can be tied to participants to provide extra security. - Unique trial code - As we mentioned in Part I of Trialflare setup, you can also use a unique trial code. 🧑🏻‍💻 Single - without a password 🧑🏻‍💻 Single - with a password 💡 IMPORTANT: When you create a single participant, you will need to remember or make a note of the password. Have you forgotten it? You can click on the participant's records (in this case, p1-password highlighted in purple) and reset this another time. Create multiple participants If you are onboarding in bulk, or, pre-defining participant IDs to use later, the multiple participant option can be very useful. 🧑🏻‍💻 Multiple - without passwords 🧑🏻‍💻 Multiple - with passwords 💡 IMPORTANT: Check your downloads folder! When you create multiple participants with passwords, Trialflare creates and export a CSV for you containing all the auto-generated passwords for your new participants. What you do with this is up to you. You could cross-reference it when you need to and provide these passwords to participants when needed. If they have forgotten their password, you will still have this record. Here's what participants.csv looks like: Create intervention groups or study arms If you know what your particular intervention is beforehand, you can also enter this as a group. This can also be coded if you need it to (for example, Group A, Group B, Arm 1, Arm 2). When you have created groups already, you can auto-assign new participants to these groups when they are created using standard randomization techniques (including blocking and round-robin). 🧑🏻‍💻 Creating groups for randomization Participant Randomization Once you have created groups (you can create as many as you need to), you can create single or multiple participants and allocate them to these groups - automatically if you need to. 🧑🏻‍💻 Randomizing single participants 🧑🏻‍💻 Randomizing multiple participants Adding your own IDs For whatever reason you might have already allocated your own participant IDs. This could be by your own protocol or policy, or through another platform or tool you're using (For example, randomizing software or a list generated by a developer or statistician). No problem! - you can upload a CSV to Trialflare with your existing information. When your data submissions come in, you can view or export the data and each study record will be ID-matched to your existing list of IDs you've already set! 🧑🏻‍💻 Upload a CSV of your own IDs 💡 IMPORTANT: If you're using passwords, make sure you keep log of them. For improved security, Trialflare does not store non-encrypted passwords. That's it! You've now securely created your participants on Trialflare. But what happens next? You might be good to go if you're conducting a study on-site, but what if you're running a hybrid or completely virtual study? You'll want to make sure that your participants have the information they need to get onto Trialflare and begin submitting data. 👉🏻 How do I get participants onboarded?

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 3 - Onboarding Participants

Background If you're collecting data from participants who are off-site (For example, ePRO), you'll need to make sure that they are logged in securely to submit their data. Trialflare takes security very seriously - open links or URLs can be shared between many people and, as such, there's no guarantee that the link hasn't gone to a person you didn't intend... What assurances can you provide to indicate that your data is from your intended participant? Trialflare uses a combination of a unique trial code, unique participant IDs and, if you want to use them, unique passwords to give you the confidence you need in your submissions. Sharing credentials with participants - using informed consent (eConsent) You will likely need to give your participant an intervention as part of your study. They might arrive in person at a particular site, or, they might be receiving something in the post. It's up to you how you share this information with your participants, but here is a typical workflow. 💡 If you have enabled eConsent, your participants will not be able to login or submit any data unless they have provided consent first - even if they have the correct login details. If consent is not required (for various reasons), they will be able to login immediately and begin submitting data. 👉🏻 Learn about creating an informed consent form (ICF) for eConsent here. Sharing credentials with participants - without informed consent (eConsent) For whatever reason you might also not need to get participant consent. You might be using another platform or method (including paper and pen/wet signatures). In this case, you can direct the participants straight to the app to download Trialflare. The only thing they will need is their unique login credentials. In our previous section, we told you how to generate Participant IDs and passwords. These can be shared uniquely with people to get them online. Sharing credentials: Tips and Tricks - Stickers/labels/details on handouts or the intervention packaging: - Consider adding a QR code to direct participants to Trialflare on the app store, a specific URL, the informed consent form (ICF), the participant information sheet (PIS) and more (as appropriate). - Have stickers printed out with unique participant IDs, trial codes and/or passwords. That way you know what gets sent out to the right person. - Send emails to participants: - Use whatever email account you need to to provide participants with their credentials to login. Some users of Trialflare create a unique email address for a study for this purpose, for example: yourtrial@example.com - Trialflare will have created a unique set of Participant IDs and (if you want it to) passwords which will be downloaded to your computer after creating them (CSV). You will be able to email this information to participants if you want to. That covers how you can get participants onboarded for this section. If you need to create an informed consent form (ICF) for eConsent, read on! 👉🏻 I need participants to eConsent. How do I do this?

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 4 - Generating eConsent Forms

Background Consent is an absolutely crucial part of any study. Participants must be informed of the nature of the study, its purpose and any inherent risks or potential benefits. Studies which come under the definition of research will need some form of consent. If you need Trialflare to handle this - great! - we make this very simple for you to do. 💡 IMPORTANT: The contents of your informed consent form (ICF) should have been independently reviewed by an appropriate ethics committee, for example, a REC or IRB. Enabling eConsent in your study Making a study require consent is easy. Just check the tickbox to begin creating your form. There are multiple steps items to fill in when completing your consent form. Participant Information Sheet (PIS) What do you need the participant to know? PIS can take many shapes and sizes but background to the study, the purpose and overview and any potential risks/benefits are the key things to get started with. Eligibilty What is your target audience? You can specify this here. These eligibility criteria will need to be initialled in the consent form for confirmation by the participant. Conditions Stand-alone conditions which must be initialed and checked are helpful in getting key information across to your participant. Are they aware of the risks? Are they aware that they can withdraw from the study at any time? Settings Trialflare stores all logs of eConsent for each study, however, you might want a particular member of staff to receive these by email. 💡 IMPORTANT: You will notice that the post-consent information which goes out to participants has a character limit. This is to keep your content within the constraints of SMS. This information/statement will go out to the same phone number the participant consented with, and, to their email address if they provided it also. eConsents: - Will be sent to the participants for reference so they know what they have agreed to. - Will be stored on Trialflare for study team members to view or download. Saving your eConsent form and version control Don't forget to click on the purple button to save your eConsent version! We understand that sometimes things don't go according to plan and you might need to make changes to your consent document. What happens when things have changed? You will need to issue a new version for the participant to consent to. New versions which are saved replace previous ones, but the previous consents provided by participants are still logged. Participants taking part in the existing study will need to re-consent on their app! This is a little bit of extra work for the participant, but ensures that they are kept informed of any changes which were needed. 👉🏻 What does the eConsent process look like for the participant? How does it work for them?

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 5 - eConsent, Participant View

Background You've now created your informed consent form (ICF) for eConsent - great! But what's next? How does the participant get this information? How do they get safely onboarded and how do we bridge the consent to a specific participant? Share your new eConsent link with participants - Generate a QR code or share the URL. It will be in the format: - https://app.trialflare.com/consent/xxxxxxxxxxx - Participants will review and complete this on the web, so they can use any device (desktop, smartphone, tablet) to take part. Post-consent - What happens next? After the participant has provided consent, you'll want to know that it is really them - and tie this to some personally identifiable information (PII). In this case, we use SMS and/or email. When the participant logs in for the first time to the study, they will be asked to enter the phone number or email address that provided the consent. 🧑🏻‍💻 First-time login for participants (web or smartphone app) 💡 IMPORTANT: You'll notice that there is a blocker on the study when eConsent is enabled. According to best practices (E.g., ICH-GCP), we don't want participants to engage with any part of the research unless they have provided consent. By entering the phone number or email address attached to the consent, we are able to use 2-factor authentication (2FA) to verify the phone number and/or email address. 🧑🏻‍💻 Two-factor authentication (2FA) login Once the phone number or email address has been validated, the participant will be able to login as normal and see any stages you wish them to complete. Of course, if you are not conducting any ePRO / off-site submissions from participants, you won't need to do this. What happens next? How do participants get started and what happens?

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 6 - Receiving Data Submissions!

Background So far we have: - Created a study with at least one stage - Created Participant IDs - Distributed these IDs to participants - Had participants provide consent and get onboarded onto the web or smartphone app. Next we can start receiving data. But before that, you probably have a lot of questions about this... - What happens if participants are staggered? For example, if day 0 is different for every participant? - What happens if they have completed one stage already? Can they fill it in again? - What happens if the stage is recurring / repeating? How will they know what to fill in and when? - What happens if the stage is ad-hoc for unlimited numbers of submissions? - What happens with internal stages we don't want participants to see or enter data for? - Lots more...! Well, thankfully none of these items are a problem when using Trialflare! What do Participants see on the web/smartphone app? When the participant logs in, they will see all stages they are able to fill in - whether this is now, or in the future! You will notice that there is a padlock next to stages which cannot be completed yet. Why might they be padlocked? If they represent a recurrence in the future which has not arrived yet, for example, a "Week 2" submission of a questionnaire when they have not begun "Week 1" yet. 💡 IMPORTANT: There are lots of options to finesse and tweak your data collection strategy in the Stage Settings when you are designing the Stage. Learn more about advanced stage design here! 🧑🏻‍💻 One-off submissions by participants In the example below, a very basic "Baseline" stage asks for "gender identity". Once this is complete, the stage is ticked-off with a green tick. The data will be received to your administrator view on the web and the participant will not be able to enter this data again. 🧑🏻‍💻 Recurring submissions by participants In the example below, a "Week 1" questionnaire is completed. We can control the way this stage repeats in the administrator view. Crucially, you'll notice that only "Week 1" can be entered! Are your participants staggered? No problem. Each participant can set their own start-line. Once the first recurrence is submitted, you'll notice that the following ones will all be mapped-out by Trialflare, enabling them to be completed on the date that they are due! 🧑🏻‍💻 Ad-hoc submissions by participants There may be times when you need to collect none or many submissions from participants. A good example of this is food diary items. Using the Open Food Facts database of more than 3,000,000 international food and drinks items, we are able to either scan a bar code from a smartphone camera or look up items in the database to add them. Using ad-hoc submissions, we are able to gather multiple food and drinks items consumed by participants. This is just one example of an "ad-hoc" stage - others could include image uploads or even bowel movement assessment throughout the days and weeks. 👉🏻 Learn more about data submissions and how to see when people are submitting data.

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 7 - How do I get participant response data?

Background Your participants are away submitting their responses - this is great! But where are they going? How do you keep track of what stages and forms they have completed? When are their next ones? What if you haven't heard from them and you don't know if they are even being compliant? These many questions we will address here in this section. Where are the data? Heading back to the administrator view, you will be able to look into participant records in the Participants tab on the left. 🧑🏻‍💻 Viewing Participant Data Each participant will be highlighted in a purple box. Clicking on the participant box, in the example below "p1", you will be able to bring up participant data and metadata. 🧑🏻‍💻 Viewing Participant Timelines When you want to see what responses are due from participants, and what they have completed you can view the Timeline tab. Here, you'll know if participants have missed a stage and can prompt them accordingly if they have. You can even see a percentage completion of their journey. 🧑🏻‍💻 Creating Useful Summaries As data come in from participants over time, you might want to visualise the results. In the Dashboards tab, you are able to create summaries of individual data types. If you're collecting data over time (For example, Week 1... Week 8) in various groups, you might want to see if there are effects. These effects could be intervention-specific - though you won't know if you are blinded to the specific interventions which one is which. You might want to use this feature to monitor participant well-being. If an intervention is causing harm, you might see some side effects appearing in the data. These potential adverse and harmful effects can be caught quickly with data summaries and can reduce longitudinal harm to participants. 🧑🏻‍💻 Exporting Data While Trialflare holds all your data securely on the cloud, we appreciate that you will want to run your own analysis with spreadsheet or statistics software. If you want a basic CSV or XLSX download, you can get it here: 🧑🏻‍💻 Integrating Data to your Workspace A truly unique feature or Trialflare is that we are able to securely synchronise to your organizations workspace. If you're using Microsoft (OneDrive), Google G-suite or Dropbox, you can use single sign-on (SSO) to have Trialflare synchronise the data to your workspace in real time. 🧑🏻‍💻 Viewing Data in your Workspace The below example uses Google, however, if you're a Microsoft-based organization (Outlook, Teams, OneDrive), the principle is the same. Once you click through to your sign-on portal, you can begin viewing your data elsewhere! 💡 IMPORTANT: If you synchronise your data to your workspace, any time a new response is recorded, the data will be overwritten. If you want to play with the data, we suggest you make a copy

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 8 - Engaging with Participants and Improving Compliance

Background One of the major risks in decentralised research - particularly work off-site - is that data submissions aren't being monitored sufficiently and that oversight can risk losses in data. People are busy - they might forget that they need to provide some data for the study. So how do we keep on top of this? How do we ensure that we get the data we need for completeness? 🧑🏻‍💻 Automatic Reminders (General) General reminders can be useful for many reasons. For example, you might want to remind participants at specific times every day to take their intervention. Even with the best intentions, participants will forget, and who is to say that the traditional way of monitoring compliance (returning opened packets, empty bottles and so on) is not so reliable? By all means, continue to do this - but prompts like intervention reminders can be incredibly useful in ensuring that your intervention is getting the chance to make an impact. It would be disappointing if your study failed to show any outcomes because participants forgot and lied about taking intervention regularly! To set these reminders, click on the Messages tab and then on Automatic Messages. Participants using the smartphone (Apple or Android) version of the app can be prompted here by push notification. You will be able to see who is push-enabled in the Participants overview tab. This is indicated by the green label that says "PUSH". 🧑🏻‍💻 Stage-specific Reminders You will want participants to be aware of what to fill out and when. If they are off-site and you aren't directly communicating with them regularly, automatic reminders on specific days are very useful. For example, "Your Week 3 well-being questionnaire is due!" and "It's 19:00, you still need to submit today's sleep quality questionnaire data!". You are free to customise the content of all of these messages and send as many as you need to. To do this, in the Stages tab, navigate to the stage you need to set reminders for, click the Edit button, then select the Push reminders tab. Here you can customize your messages. Stage > Push reminders are different to Automatic Messages as they are response-driven. This means that once the data for this stage or stage recurrence has been submitted, the participant won't receive reminders for it anymore! 💡 IMPORTANT: If you are using recurring stages, you can use the %n placeholder to iterate over repeating recurrences. "Week %n" on the platform which repeats 3 times, will show up to participants as "Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3) 🧑🏻‍💻 Participant Instant-messaging For whatever reason, you might want to engage with a participant directly. You will have their contact details from their eConsent and can reach out by phone or email, however, if you want to keep things light, you can securely instant-message participants who have the Trialflare app installed on the smartphone. Remember, you can see who you are able to push and instant-message by checking the Participant tab and checking for the green "PUSH" label.

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 9 - Creating an eCRF or Adding Participant Data Yourself

Background As well as participant-reported outcomes (ePRO), you will probably want to conduct some record-keeping in-house and not show these to participants. You can keep things extremely simple and do this on Trialflare in the exact same way as you set up your questions for participants to fill in off-site (ePRO). Authenticated members of your team (that perhaps you have allocated permissions to based on your delegation log), will be able to enter participant records through the Participant tab and add data. Crucially, this will all be audit logged so you will always know who has entered what data and when. 🧑🏻‍💻 Adding Data for Participants Your stages can be as simple or as complicated as you need them to be and will depend on the nature of your research or study. Navigating to your participant and under the Responses tab and selecting the "Add data for this date" button will enable you to enter data for the participant. Things like section dividers in your stage designer will help in breaking up large forms. 🧑🏻‍💻 Changing Participant Responses Should you need to make changes, these will all be audit-logged. The only difference between submitting data the first time and the second time (amending) is that you will have to provide your sign-off note. 🧑🏻‍💻 Adding Notes for Participants Anything not in a form? No problem - you can add a note to your participant records to indicate something which was outside the main scope of the data collection. Once you're in the Participants Information tab, click the "New note" button to add something.

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 10 - Adding Team Members, Collaborators and Sites

Background There is no '"I" in "Team". That's certainly the case for human participant research. Many people come together to make a project a success. If you're working across multiple sites (and potentially languages), you will want to create site-specific forms and user permissions. For example, you're a Dutch University working with a German sponsor which has sites in Poland and Switzerland. How can you navigate this situation effectively and securely? 🧑🏻‍💻 Adding team members Team members are all users of your Trialflare account. Collaborators are users taken from this pool, and allocated for other purposes. For example, you might have one study which needs just 3 out of 10 of your Trialflare users. You can add these team members as collaborators to specific projects. To do so, enter your Team settings and select Users. 🧑🏻‍💻 Giving team members access permissions As you add new team members it's up to you to give them the access they need. You can select the cog icon to decide what access to give them. 🧑🏻‍💻 Adding collaborators You've now got a pool of users on your account. How do we add specific people to specific trials? In a Trial, click Settings and Collaboration. Add a user by searching for them in the list. You can only add people who are already team members. 💡 IMPORTANT: Once you've added a collaborator, you can give them trial-specific access and permissions. 🧑🏻‍💻 Adding sites Now you have your users, you might have realised that they are not all at the same site. Trials can be complicated. They can bring together people from universities, sites, CROs, sponsors and other commercial partners. We call them "Sites" on Trialflare, but they can really be at any location! 🧑🏻‍💻 Allocating team members to specific sites We sometimes see a single study operating across many locations - sometimes more than 20. So how can we ensure that each site has its own participants that it's responsible for? We can add specific site access to team members from the person hosting/responsible for the study. 🧑🏻‍💻 Allocating participants to specific sites Sometimes you will have participants across many sites, but you will need each one of them in the care of the most appropriate site. For example, Polish participants working with the Polish site. By allocating both participants and team members (as collaborators) to the same site, it keeps things simpler for everyone. While the person in charge of the study can see everything, only people are a specific site can see their site participants. If they make more participant records, still, only they and the host can see them. They are hidden from other sites and in this sense can operate semi-independently from one another. In the example below, the host is able to assign participants to sites. The next time that site team member logs in, they will be able to see these participants. While this concept can seem a little complicated, this diagram helps illustrate how this works in practice:

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Getting Started Part 12 - Anonymous Polls and Branded QR codes

Background If you're not conducting a classical clinical study / trial - sometimes a study without a placebo or assigning 'arms' or 'intervention groups' your work might be considered "post-marketing research". In such cases, you might want to just collect some general consumer insights or information from poll respondees. These are anonymised people who aren't necessarily tracked over time, for example, general consumers. With Trialflare's polls capability, you can convert any stage into a poll. Differences when using polls: - Anyone with a link or QR code can enter data - All participants are logged as "poll respondees" (no participant IDs) - You can create custom QR codes for various purposes. - You can add metadata to your forms 🧑🏻‍💻 Enabling poll mode on a stage To make a stage a poll, go to the Poll mode tab and click the check-box, then, Save Stage. 🧑🏻‍💻 Getting a shareable link or custom QR code for your poll Trialflare generates both custom URLs and QR codes for your poll automatically. You can share these with poll respondees however you see fit. You can even add a custom-branded QR code to your product packaging or inserts for consumers to scan. 🧑🏻‍💻 Generate custom-branding or your QR codes In the Team Settings, you will be able to assign custom styles to your QR codes. This includes colours or the dots themselves and the edges. You can even apply your own logo. 🧑🏻‍💻 Adding hidden metadata to QR codes for advanced screening Let's say you are carrying out some consumer testing. You want to send your product out to multiple outlets or countries. They might even have batch numbers, variations in constituents and more. With Trialflare custom links you can add these attributes to your QR code. "How is this useful?" - If you want to collect the same data from the same form, but there are hidden differences for consumers such as the batch number, you can use this attribute to capture this in forms automatically. Let's say you want some "How did you find the product?" feedback from consumers across an item. One QR code/URL could go out with one batch, and another with another batch. All questions will be the same, but the only difference will be the batch number. When you carry out your analysis, you will be able to compare batch performance in a real-life situation after the product has gone to consumers. The benefit? Alterations (in this example) in batches might actually have affected a whole range of things: product colour over time, palatability, shelf-life etc. These kinds of insights can feed directly to manufacturing teams, R&D and more as they are collected to help make sure your products are performing the best for your target consumers. Once you've added some attributes, you can access the custom URL or QR code for this. Remember, the form will look the same for respondees, but responses for you will carry extra data from your custom attributes to differentiate them from one another.

Last updated on Aug 20, 2024

Getting Started Part 13 : Wearables for Sleep, Stress, Heart Rate and more

Background If you're interested in collecting real-world data (RWD) from wearables, Trialflare has integrations with Garmin devices through our Garmin Partnership. With the partnership, you're able to collect ongoing metrics on sleep, stress, heart rate, respiration, activity, calories and more. How Trialflare handles this is a little different to traditional forms and stages. Since wearables will be constantly transmitting data to the cloud, these will be fed to Trialflre sporadically as and when they are being pushed over the cloud. 🧑🏻‍💻 Enabling the Garmin Integration (admin-led) Under the Settings tab, click on Integrations and check the Garmin tickbox. What happens next? When participants log in to the Trialflare app (whether this is on web or smartphone), there will be an option to login to Garmin Connect. Participants will need: - An existing Garmin device (some study organisers can provision these, and Trialflare is able to potentially broker discounts on bulk-purchases if required). - A Garmin Connect account (tied to them, for example, through a personal email address). Garmin Connect accounts are free to create. 🧑🏻‍💻 Synchronising Garmin wearables (participants-led) Once your Garmin integration is enabled in the study settings, your participants will see an option when they login to connect a Garmin Conencts account. The account needs to be tied to a device already. If participants are using their smart watch already, they will have already done this. To connect, the participant will need to click on the Connect button on the Trialflare web or smartphone app. Once the participant has logged into their Garmin Connect account, they will be asked to agree to link this to Trialflare to collect data. If the participant wishes to disconnect their account, they can also do this in the Trialflare app. 🧑🏻‍💻 Accessing wearables data on Trialflare You'll want to confirm that your participants have connected their Garmin Connect account and are therefore able to send data to your study. Trialflare can show you this in the Participants tab where the blue box indicates that a Garmin account is connected. When you click into the Participant record you can see when this happened, too. All Garmin connections and disconnections are audit logged and can also be seen in the participant's Information tab. When you're in the participant's records, you can then click on the Wearables Responses tab. As data comes in, you'll see this compiled into tabs. 💡 IMPORTANT: Depending on the hardware / device, there will be limitations on what can be collected. Full capabilities (as detailed by Garmin) include: - Steps - Intensity minutes - Sleep - Calories - Heart rate - Stress - Pulse Ox - Body battery - Body composition - Respiration - Blood pressure - Enhanced beat-to-beat interval - Running data - Cycling data - Swimming data - Yoga data - Strength training data - Activity details

Last updated on Aug 20, 2024